I'm gonna have to work on that title, but I digress...Welcome to another edition of the AN Monthly Update. First, I would like to welcome all the new people that has joined our seemingly ever growing family and are currently seeking out their options (Good luck guys!):
JaneH, CassieB, Manda Panda (Amanda), Farmgirl88, Helping Mom
Next up are those going in for their AN surgeries:
March ??-Valerie_G had her CK
March 15-Hendi51-Husband Lynn scheduled for translab at Methodist U. Hospital in Memphis
April 5 –Micca28 has her surgery scheduled.
April 7th- ChristineH (Christine) Translab surgery scheduled
June-BostonBill scheduled his sugery.
We hope everyone is doing ok that had their surgeries and that those who have them coming up…everything goes swimmingly and you’ll be up and about in no time!
Here are all the BAHA surgeries that have already happened or will happen:
Feb 25th-jaylogs (Jay) had baha surgery, but subsequent post op issues intruded on otherwise simple surgery!
March 29-Puppylove (Debbi)
May 20-Heyct (Carolyn)
Let’s not forget to celebrate our milestones!
March 10-Davjak W&W MRI still no growth
March 2-Sunfish One year MRI after CK…shows collapsing! Another MRI in 6 months.
Sue-Celebrating 5 years since diagnosis!
Joey-Good 2 year post GK
Kranok2 (Sandy)-3 ½ month MRI good, but something showed up in throat…seeing throat doctor on 3/14.
Blowtorch-10 year anniversary of diagnosis (GK)
Jackie-5th year in W&W, tumor remains stable
Tenai98 (Jo)-Tumor still stable after 2 years post Translab
Here’s the category where everything else can’t be grouped but deserve honorable mention. These are other surgeries besides AN and BAHA’s and other health concerns.
March 9-suujoy tarsorrhaphy done
April 4th-Kenneth K CSF Leak repair
Chelsmom (Chelsea) Underwent surgery for facial nerves 3/9
CHD63 (Clarice) regrowth possible?
DannaO-14 years old and had TWO AN’s (and not a NF2!) also got BAHA. Now battling insurance issues!
MNTim (Tim)-CSF Leak, going in for surgery to fix
I wish everyone on here the best of luck. If I have missed anyone or if you have an update, please let us know by replying in this thread so we can all know about it!! Everyone have a happy April as the weather turns warmer! Cheers!