Hi it has been a while since I have posted. However, my best friend's sister has a brain tumor. It appears it started with numbness in her right foot and leg, they ordered an MRI and she saw a neurosurgeon, appears the MRI was not real clear and another one is scheduled for May 6. The Dr's have provided her with other Dr's to get a second opinion. I asked my friend where the tumor is located and the size, here is her post:
It is 3.6 cm about the size of a quarter they said. They did the MRI with and without contrast the first time but the surgeon explained they just show a slice and skip a slice and this new MRI will be a complete picture of everything. It is in the left inferior putamen extending into the external capsule with mild mass effect on the amygdale there is hyperintense mass effect. Moderate mass effect on the inferolateral putamen is noted.
The surgeon said that the tumor is on the left side in the communication center part of the brain.
I know many of you are gifted with a great deal of knowledge. I know most of you are not Dr's but when I read what my friend provided me it is all greek to me. Can any of you explain, I can't go back to her and asked for details so I appreciate any input you can share. Thanks!!