Author Topic: new benchmark in Gy during radiosurgery?  (Read 2208 times)


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new benchmark in Gy during radiosurgery?
« on: June 28, 2006, 10:45:17 am »
Hi all,

Just curious... was wondering for those of you that have had AN radio-treatment (regardless if CK, GK, Novalis/FSR, Proton), what was the total Gy you rec'd during treatment?  I'm having a difficult time recently with afteraffects and am not aware of anyone that has rec'd as my Gy as I did (30Gy total).  If you do come close, I would love to compare notes with you and would really appreciate your help. This situation is also noted on the CK Support Board and Dr. Medbury is watching the situation as well.

Thanks in advance!
"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: new benchmark in Gy during radiosurgery?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2006, 11:28:38 am »

As you know my cyberknife was three stages. The day before treatment Dr. M. Said they were going to do only 1. "Panic". I can't stand last minute changes. He relented and did 3.

I happen to have my doctor notes at work so here is what the one shot would have been and what the three was.
5 mm collimator based on the best plan accomplished. a dose of 1300 cGy was prescribed to the 66% isodose line giving 98.6% coverage. Maximum dose to the brain stem 805 cgry. The patient will be given with a single fraction.

Panic!!!!! Not the plan. I was in the throws of a auto-immune attack at the time and not in my right mind. Cried, went off the deep end and Dr. M said in my case 1 was the same as 3. However, he would recalculate and do 3 if it made me more comfortable. Previous to this time only 3 were mentioned. I was have a little trigiminal numbness and did not want anything that would harm that. To be honest I was a wimp about everything then. 

Three state treatent: 21 Gy in three fractions dosed at the 82% isodose line using a three path technique. a six dimensional tracking was achieved.

As you know at this time I was wimping out about everything. If I had have known how little difference this treatment made in my quality of life post AN I would have jumped on it sooner. At this point dealing with the AIED thing in the other only hearing ear is far up the totem poll in importanct to me now. I go back for the 6 month MRI 7/7/06. I will say that I am a little anxious about that. The 3 month was so good that I have everything crossed the the 6 month will be better. I want the damned thing gone to tumor heaven. I can't say that I am with out post treatment symptoms. However, they are so much better and if I can keep the hearing in my only good ear I will feel blessed. Even the facial nerve thing has not acted up in about a month. I am back on high dose steroids for the AIED and mean again. You will get to feel ing better. The radiation does not stay in your body. We hope the tumor is just having death tantrums and that is causing your problems.

I have changed my diet 100% and practice what makes me off balance. In fact I really stress it almost to the point of almost throwing up sometimes. I seems to work. I have really upped my intake of water with lemon and lime and a anti-oxident with ellagic acid. We shall see what we shall see. I also am getting religious about taking my allergy meds. Every little thing helps. I hate veggies. Never did like them raw. However, now it is into the jucier and down the hatch. Lots of salmon. No chicken, no turkey, no pork and very little beef. (I live in Oklahoma for crying out loud, I have to eat beef). Some buffalo and all the meat is organic. I am starting to do facial exercises just because it can't hurt to reinforce these muscles. (Remember I a old).

Hugs and blessings,


Cyberknife 1/2006
Clinton Medbery III & Mary K. Gumerlock
St Anthony's Hospital
Oklahoma City, OK
Name of Tumor: Ivan (may he rest in peace)


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Re: new benchmark in Gy during radiosurgery?
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2006, 08:40:16 pm »

Thank  you for sharing sooo much with me. You've been absolutely fantastic to me and I really appreciate your inputs on this. Another CK AN-er suggested I contact BI to see if I can speak with other AN'ers they have treated via CK.  Actually, great idea suggested and now waiting for BI to call me back.

From my understanding, like you, most were fractionated 3 days, no more than 21 Gy.  So, being in my own exclusive *coff* club in this case is not my idea of fun.  But, trying to hang tough. Dr. M has been listening to me on the CK support board re: this issue and will see what BI can share with me.

All of your suggestions are great! Also trying some of them.. just hoping something works sooner than later.

Thanks again Sandy!!!!!!!!! :)
"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"