Hello, and I hope your stay here is a short one....maybe not an AN...but if it is, you are in the right place. My family doc sent me to an ENT when I complained of wonkiness. ENT did a bunch of tests, but no MRI, and said I had a neurological problem, but not an ear problem, so he sent me to a neurologist. The neuro did no testing, but talked to me for 45 minutes, emptied my wallet, and there was no diagnosis. About 2 years later, following a stroke, and an MRI without contrast, I got the SUPREME WONKINESS, and my internist did an MRI with contrast, and they found the AN. They compared my stroke MRI to my contrast MRI, taken 8 months apart, and there was no sign of the AN on my stroke MRI. It was there, it just took the contrast to see it.
There is a history of posters here who have all the symptoms of an AN, but do not have one...hope you are one of them. If you have one, this is a wonderful place to post your questions, worries, and share your fears, joys, and get some support from us.