I am so frustrated right now I could scream. My audiologist was in Colorado at Cochlear for a forum with 11 other audiologists from around the country. Seems like they all had the same complaints and suggestions for improving customer service. Sometimes their attitude of "well, we've done all we can" is just not enough. Anyway, they did not give her my BAHA to bring back, they mailed it to me. My audiologist found out that my BAHA was NOT cracked, and they think the feedback was coming from cranking up the program to give it more power. They said it might be too much. So, when I went in to have it programmed, we turned off the feedback manager in two different programs and decreased the low tones. This is what was recommended. It sounded great sitting in the audiologist's office. However, as soon as I got in my car, I had music on, but not loudly. The feedback started and has been continuous. She wanted me to turn around and come back, but I didn't have the time. It's 20 miles each way and I have a busy work schedule. I'm taking it back next week so she can turn the feedback manager back on. I'm so frustrated, I want to throw the processor away. Every time I'm in the car, I have to turn the processor off. I have continuous whistling. Wish I could try the Oticon. I'm sorry the abutment won't work.