Susan, no more injections for me. Back in February I noticed my voice was changing (whee! I'm a 12 again!) and canceled the procedure that we had scheduled. So now I tend to start the day with a normal sounding voice and it generally fades by mid-morning depending on how much I talk and the external conditions. if go long periods without talking, it recovers for a bit.
So, while it is recovering, I still have a long ways to go. I had a meeting with the SOE the other night in which I basically talked for almost two hours. I almost passed out leaving the office suite...I'm clearly still using a much greater than normal level of air to speak.
Of course, when I am outside or in a noisy environment, the normalcy tends to go way completely and returns to a loud, hoarse whisper. What I have learned from this experience is that our body automatically adapts, or tries to do so, to the external conditions and it is next to impossible to get control of that reflex. If I try to stay at a normal one-on-one level or just below, I can do well for awhile..volume above that and it all falls apart.
Hang in there...