Author Topic: Possible links to Virus  (Read 22505 times)


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Re: Possible links to Virus
« Reply #30 on: November 28, 2013, 09:04:27 pm »
Just seems a bit ironic to me that according to my
Neurologist of the 9 patients that he has with an AN, all
I'd us have also been diagnosed with Herpes 1.

Millions and millions of people have herpes simplex 1 it is extremely highly unlikely that there is any correlation between herpes and acoustic neuroma, millions of people with herpes don't even have herpes symptoms, sometimes extreme stress can trigger herpes simplex 1 symptoms such as a blister on the lip, Acoustic neuroma surgery is extremely stressful and people that have the virus in there system may activate the virus from the extreme stress caused by this very difficult surgery. From all of my years of research on Acoustic neuromas and even talking with the famous neuro surgeon from Mass General Dr. Robert Ojemann I was told by him that the most they know is Acoustic neuromas are caused most likely by a genetic defect where the brain sends to much insulation or tissue around the nerve cable coming off of the brainstem and it builds and builds until it forms a mass. The tissue is not needed on the sheath but it grows there anyway. I would think that most of our post surgery symptoms are a result of unintentional damage due to the removal of the tumor, remember there is little room in your skull for anything other than the brain itself and csf poking and cutting for 12-18 hours in your head is bound to leave us eternally different than before the surgery, the only good thing about it is it is better than the result of leaving a growing tumor pushing against your brainstem that would ultimately result in death. We have to be mindful of how serious this surgery is, especially those of us that had radical surgery with holes core drilled through our skull and belly fat stuffed in there with no other protection for our brain. If you think back the weeks following your surgery it was pretty serious. There needs to be more admittance by surgeons regarding what we are left with, while many neurosurgeons have come forth and tried to help, most ent and neurosurgeons deny many of the post op symptoms being related to the surgery, especially fatigue and cognitive issues.