I don't know if or how they may be linked, BUT I do know that supposedly the virus (which can be more known as shingles or varicella/chicken pox) does lay somewhere within the nerves area that are affected by ANs. I remember hearing more about right after I had my surgery and some people are automatically given the virus medication when having surgery to remove their AN. That is to help so the virus doesn't 'peak' and cause the paralysis. I ended up having delayed facial paralysis shortly after my AN surgery. I was concerned wondering if it was the virus, but my 2 neuro doctors also knew I had had vaccines for the virus a few years back because I was tested and knew I had never had chicken pox as a kid. One of my doctors explained the stuff to me a bit and the concern of it. I don't remember a lot because they were sure it wasn't that, but it was the swelling I had post op that caused my paralysis.
Also I remember searching a LOT about the herpes virus and paraylysis, etc. seemed to come up with it many times in link with post AN surgery. Seems like I had also read it in one of the brochures I got from the ANA.
I just had to throw this out there because it all does sound interesting to me. Sorry I can't remember details better on it, but it can make sense to me.
My wonder would be.....could the AN trigger the virus to flair up?? (FYI... all my comments have to do with the herpes virus, not the epstein barr)
Denise (MI)