I went back to work full time 2 months after my surgery. I work 12 hour days (and at nights to boot!), and work in a cleanroom environment. I wear a "bunny suit" with a hood, booties, and latex gloves and I'm always on my feet going going going. So with at going on, I got tired really fast. But fortunately I work in a really good place so I was basically working at half speed for about a month or two and could take frequent breaks. Technically, I should have waited another month. Every person is different and it can take a good long while for the body to kick back in to near what you used to be pre-surgery. Just pace yourself in the beginning...don't show them your top top speed or that's what they'll expect from you. Then as you do feel better, kick it up a notch. I am sure after the first day or so you'll get a feel for what kind of pace is required of you and you won't be so anxious about it. Take care and keep us updated!