Hi Katie,
There are many good doctors out there. You just have to do your research, which is what you are doing. I went to House, like Mike did. I live in Indiana and my story is much like Mike's although I did this 5 years earlier. House gave me an 80 to 90% chance of saving my hearing with middle fossa approach, where as the doctors close to me said it was a 50/50 chance. I had one chance to do this right, so I knew where I had to go. I retained 85% of my hearing and no facial paralysis. From surgery to back to work was a total of 8 weeks. I have been very happy with my decision to go out there and have no regrets. House does offer a free phone consultation if you send them your MRI CD. I was 46 at the time of my surgery. Every AN is different and the healing process for each one of us may vary. Keep a positive attitude and search until you've found the right doctor for you! I am on the willing to talk list, if there is anything I can help you with, please email me or give me a call. I wish you the best on your AN journey. Ann