Author Topic: Weird sensation  (Read 6127 times)


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Weird sensation
« on: June 20, 2011, 09:39:51 am »

I would like to hear from those that recovered from facial paralysis.

For about a week, I've been feeling something move in my face. It's hard to describe but I'll do my best.
It feels like my facial muscle is moving but when I look at the mirror, there's no movement. But it sure feel like something's moving under my skin, I feel this right next to my lip mostly. Sometimes I feel it below my cheek area too, but not as much as my lip area.

I also feel cold breeze-like sensation on my face at times. it happens very randomly.

Did anyone experience this? What does this mean? Some people that saw my face recently told me that my AN side of the face seem a little swollen compared to my good side (my jaw area) i wonder this is because I've been using my good jaw only to chew food so I'm gaining weight on my AN side jaw? My mother in law keeps telling me to call doctor but I don't know if this is something I should worry about. Should I worry?

I have no movement and no sensation on my AN side of the face. It's been exactly 11weeks since surgery today. I never had the facial droop and lots of people told me here that symmetry precedes movement. Since I never had facial droop, I can't tell if I'm improving or not. This whole facial issue is really really really difficult, and I was severely depressed for some time. But prayers and faith are keeping me strong and I'm so thankful for that. I don't think I would have had survived this difficult time without God (and my family)

Thank you in advance for sharing your experiences on this. Thank you and have a wonderful day, all.
Thank you.
MRI found 5.1cm AN on left on 3/18/11: age of 28
Surgery 4/5/11 with dr.Tamargo and dr. Francis. @ johns Hopkins
Whole tumor removed, facial nerves in tact, but unresponsive
Platinum eyelid weight on 4/6
Left facial paralysis, numbness, double vision

God is the Healer


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Re: Weird sensation
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2011, 03:06:03 pm »
Just hang in there.  I think if you are feeling sensations that it is probably some nerve regeneration.  I had complete facial paralysis.  I did have the droopy eye, mouth, no muscle tone at all.  The tone came back first and at 6 months, just as they were starting to talk about more surgery to help with movement, the corner of my mouth started moving.  Within 3 months it had improved more than the surgery would have helped.  It has now been 3 years this past April and I still have improving movement.  It is usually preceded by a tingling sensation on that side of the face.  I have gained probably about 60% movement back.  It is only noticeable when I am talking or laughing. 

It is a long journey and yes, God is definitely with us through it all. 

Translab 4/10/2008; 1.3 cm; total facial paralysis left side.