Keith, so sorry to hear about all of your problems! Very discouraging, especially when you were so much looking forward to the Baha. I got mine right after you (if I remember correctly) and have had great success. The audiologist who "installed" mine said that I had the model that was released in January and that it was MUCH better than the earlier BP100/3 models. She said that almost all of the earlier models her department installed came back for feedback problems - this was corrected in the most recent generation with the plastic battery door "latch." That is what she said, in any event. She is in the NYU audiology department and they do a pretty high volume of bahas so I tend to think she has a pretty good baseline.
I went back about 2 months after the initial installation to have my second program activated and to have her adjust the higher decibels a bit to get rid of some minor feedback (I only got it when certain higher ranges of music were playing). No other issues. I feel pretty lucky given the problems that others, like you and Dale, have had. It really doesn't seem right that you've had TWO cracked covers - that's just crazy, isn't it?
I sure hope you get this resolved. I am kind of lost without my baha now, too. It is pretty amazing to me how much improvement I've gotten over the last few months. It was good to start with, but as my brain has adjusted, it is even better now. The other day I was in an Applebee's (and you KNOW how noisy those places are) and I realized that I was not having any problem hearing the person sitting across from me - no more craning my neck around into anatomically impossible positions in order to catch a word here or there. I'm definitely a fan of bone anchored hearing devices!