Interesting thread, Bruce Chet also lost his handwriting skills shortly before discovery of the tumor.
(Right side tumor with right side outcomes formerly right handed). Over time he has taught himself to print which is readable, but the handwriting could pass as a doctor's signature. Almost nine years later he has become left hand dominate in almost anything. Since it existed to some extent prior to surgery I've always placed it on the size and pressure from the tumor. I think after surgery it became somewhat worse, but the damage was done long before.
I've always been impressed with this portion of his AN journey and the changes he adapted to. I wonder if I could make the changes that he did, including learning to do so much with the other hand Our youngest who is predominant left handed, but can do some things right handed better (such as toss a ball) says she and her Dad are the only people in the family in their right minds. (yeah right. <G>.
Have a great day everyone