Just curious if any of you have gotten a BAHA with Medicare. I don't need to jump the gun too much.....but....I was approved recently for social security disability (not just based on AN stuff, but multiple other issues too). After a certain amount of time goes by I will be able to get some kind of Medicare. My disability isn't a permanent thing (hopefully), so I will be up for reviews. Since I have wanted a BAHA and battled with my husbands work insurance for a year or so and still getting denied....I am hoping to get one as soon as Medicare would kick in. That way if many of my issues get better and I don't need or get the disability after a review then I can at least get a hearing device. (anything would be nice actually....my current insurance don't cover anything!)
I am wondering how things go with Medicare and like how much it pays and which "part of the Medicare covers it (A, B, C, D)
I don't want to sound greedy or selfish or anything with this topic. Getting disability at a young as is something bitter sweet.....I have many issues and can in
no way work. But I also have a family and many many
MANY medical bills to pay and due to continued care due to my issues & won't end any time. I pray that if I get a hearing device it will somehow help one of my issues...the continued pain I get from turning my head & body so much to try to hear things
Thank you for any support and help!
Denise (MI)