Well, I have been dreading the day I would have to come on here and write this, but here it is... Tomorrow morning I will be at the hospital at 6am for my retrosigmoid surgery with Dr. Sisti from Columbia University Hospital. I have a 2.5cm AN that was discovered in April after I had massive hearing loss and ear fullness. The hearing has all come back and I now suffer from no ill effects from the tumor, which makes it that much more difficult to get the surgery. I know the tumor has to be removed but it's hard to accept that right now, as I type this my hearing in my AN ear is normal as far as I can tell and tomorrow at this time, well... who knows...
Most of the doctors I saw felt radiation was not the best option for me due to the brain stem compression, cystic nature of the tumor and my age, 31. I know I probably made the right choice but it's still difficult....
Say some prayers for me if you could