It is HIGHLY unlikely that anything fatal will occur during the surgery. The doctors that do this surgery use only the most modern micro surgical techniques, and you can be assured that your children can plant an acorn in the back yard today, grow the oak tree, and use that "old oak tree out back to make Mom's coffin." You will live to see your grand kids!
All of us had some anxiety about the surgery. I get nervous going to the dentist. In fact, I would rather get another AN surgery than have a rootcanal least you can sleep through the surgery. This surgery is super safe! The recovery takes a long time, and can be a challenge, and the recovery, not the surgery, was my most difficult and trying period. And I even had some fun recovering.
We are so fortunate to be living now, and not needing this surgery 50 years ago. The equipment is the best, the doctors that do this surgery are top drawer, and they usually have a very experienced crew in surgery with them. I am not advising you what to do, but this procedure is not an experimental type of surgery. There are three tried and true ways to do it, and you and I both have the supreme benefit on being alive now, and having these services available.