Author Topic: Back home ~9 days post-op  (Read 7998 times)


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Re: Back home ~9 days post-op
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2011, 03:56:21 pm »
Mel, I just checked my messages and I don't see a recent message from you.  I would be happy to answer any questions I can if you want to try sending another message.  Thanks for the kind words.
Hi Rick glad you are doing well. I was jsut wondering about your surgery, it seems you did extremely well, thank God!!! But i had translab surgery radical 14 years ago and my facial nerve snapped, i had a gold weight in my eye lid for 2 years, i was sent home without being able to walk at all or stand up and ihad to learn how to walk again, i had doube vision for 4 weeks, and balance problems still, and severe anxiety and depression. i was wondering if you had gamma knife or radical. My tumor was only 2.5 cm.


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Re: Back home ~9 days post-op
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2011, 04:02:21 pm »
Jim, thanks for pointing out Mel's questions in this thread.  I misread his second message and missed his first response which included the questions.

Mel, I haven't seen the Translab procedure broken down as you describe (radical, gamma and cyberknife) so I guess I am not sure how to best answer your question.  I was under the impression that gamma and cyberknife were types of radiation treatment and Translab is one of the surgical methods of tumor removal.  Maybe someone else can clarify these terms for me.  In my meeting with Dr. Friedman he said they would be using a Translab approach, but as far as I remember he did not use any other terms along with Translab.

My surgery lasted about 9 hours.  I was into the operating room around 7-7:30 am and was brought to ICU around 4-4:30 pm.  I had fat harvested from my belly on the left side and a titanium mesh installed.

In my meetings with Dr. Friedman he did tell me he has been using a new method for preventing CSF leaks after surgery and said since he has used this new method he has not had any leaks.  He did not go into more detail about this procedure so I can't provide any additional details regarding this part of the surgery.  I hope I have been able to answer some of your questions.
Hi rick i did not realize this post was on here, thanks to jim for pointing out my questions. it sounds like if they took belly fat as they did for me that you had translab approach surgery a surgical approach and they filled the hole with belly fat. The titanium mesh is great, for me they put nothing and i hate it because behind my ear feels like an eyeball soft and sensitive. I am excited that you did so well with few problems. I know it was still very traumatic iam sure and not easy. be well syat in touch