Yesterday I had an appointment to test my memory that the Disability people set me up with. I have applied for disability, which I won't get, but thought I'd give it a try. So I had that test yesterday. Anybody else have to take that? I was embarrased because I don't think I did all that well, and I was trying not to look like an idiot, but ...... She did say that I had some memory lapses. Well, duh. The more flustered I became, the worse it got...But, gee, they don't let you write anything down!! How ya suppose to remember stuff if ya can't write it down!!! ;D I told my husband that if by some weird chance I get disability, I can NEVER tell anyone on this forum, because so many of you have been denied and you are worse off than me! So, I don't expect to qualify, but I didn't know that when I started this deal. Now, I'm just seeing it through to the end. Besides I'd never had a memory test before and I thought it might be interesting. It was, and it is apparent I need to do some exercises to strengthen my memory muscles. Yikes.