Ok, finally watched it..... and had to keep in mind "hey, it's Hollywood!"
So, original scan on young man (with only complaint of headaches and "voice" but not hearing and balance issues) noted as Vestibular Schwannoma (yes, alternate name for Acoustic Neuroma.... check ANA home website).... yet, when they performed the surgery (that night?!?! wow!), it was noted as a different growth (basically, a dermoid cyst.... I had one removed years ago) and rarely, they do grow in the brain (thus, helping this storyline):
http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/sdermoid-cystSo, that story line was certainly interesting.....
Ok, now for the Chiari 1 Malformation....... typically (but not always), the migraines are the major indicators (as well as extremity weakness and neck issues... which were noted before the emergency procedure)... and none were noted... only back of neck issues. When the NS performed the surgery, by opening the dura to make room and help relieve pressure (known as the "decompression" surgery for CM1 patients), he was spot on. He was noting the the car accident aggravated her CM1, thus causing the emergency issue. Those with CM1 do need to be very careful with head/neck... so, he was prolly correct on that one as well. My CM1 is watched very carefully and yes, I suffer from the migraines and extremedy weakness but not have had the decompression surgery. My former coworker was found to have CM1 and did have the surgery (thanks to many here, I pointed her to Stanford Univ for her surgery -- she lives in N. CA -- and has been doing beautifully since her decompression surgery).
Good link for Chiari:
http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/chiari/detail_chiari.htmSo, I'm thrilled to see Hollywood come through again to show 2 very rare conditions (Chiari Malformations, from my understanding, are more rare than AN's) and good on them for doing this!
Sheryl, m'dear.... thanks for the heads up (oy, sorry for the pun!) of this episode.