Hey MZB475,
Saw your post on another thread... I went off wheat and dairy, along with pretty much all processed sugar (still eat fruit and drink red wine but stick to low sugar intake) . Very interesting what you have mentioned, gluten causing all kinds of health problems. I've been on this gluten free diet since mid May. My MRI in July revealed a stable, no growth tumor. I have my next MRI in January. Shrink tumor shrink!
When I get stressed and/or tired my tinnitus kicks up. My mom passed away in September VERY STRESSFUL. And I had to make plane trips coast to coast, twice. Added pressure from flying, no sleep, jet lag, grief, etc. My hearing started to go and I was really nervous. I took turmeric and another supplement called Holy Basil which helps reduce cortisol levels. Cortisol is the stress hormone. And I got sleep. My hearing is back to normal and the tinnitus is very, very faint.
What about your vision problems?
C'est moi,