Just saw this post. I'm two years post translab, my last MRI clear and I get 2 years before the next one. Now back to topic, I have had a salty tongue on the left side, same as AN for two years now.some days it feels like it is on fire by the end of the day! I have noticed the raspberries ,tomatoes will make it hurt more by the end of the day. I like sweets, as they give some relief to the salt. Water too irritates my tongue and I am thirsty! I described it to the doctor and he thought it was nerve damage. Sleeping helps it to return to the new normal and if I do not eat or drink it feels much better, but unrealistic. I use some mouth rinse for dry mouth sometimes also I have used baby oragel to relief some pain too. Like the tinnitus, keeping my mind occupied helps to forget. Sounds like I can try the mouth rinse from above post. The other thing I noticed with my tongue, is that it doesn't seem to fit right in my mouth any more...weird. I understand your frustration, it so annoying at times! I hope yours improves for you, I am hopefull that some day it will just disappear:)
Susie in Wyoming