Hi all... update on my husband Dave... he is back at Mass General tonight and just confirmed with bacterial meningitis. They have hopefully caught it early and he has already started antiibiotic treatment. This is not the path we expected to take but trying to have faith in his recovery without any more detours! Phyl asked about Spaulding Rehab - Dave went from MGH to one of their subacute rehab centers as recommended to regain his balance and motor skills, which appeared to be affected not just by the removal of the vestibular nerve but by the tumor's proximity to the cerebellum. (I am a new student of all this, not having done much reading on my own but relying on Dave to tell me things up till now - my advice to other AN patients with loved ones is to make them read and learn as much as you do!!!) If I have this wrong, I pray for the day Dave gets back here and straightens me out!!!