The following is my personal opinion only, and may not be accurate...
So please accept below as my current personal view only, and please do more research.
It has only been in recent times that the active ingredient of Honokiol has been extracted.
This is now leading to advancements in the use of this substance for research.
It was impossible to do accurate studies without a pure form of Honokiol.
So isolating the active ingredient has lead to the increased testing in the labs of this substance.
My understanding of Dr Lee's study is that it was purely a laboratory test.
Stick some Honokiol on a petri dish with some NF-2 Cells supplied by House Ear Institute and see what it does.
The tests were promising...
I can think of a number of natural organic substances that have been used for centuries that can do the same thing.
One substance, that I have used myself, has been used as an anaesthetic, cures tooth ache, stops wound infections, and it has probably saved hundreds of thousands of lives over the centuries by being applied to wounds.
Scotch Whisky.... If you stick it in a Petri dish it will kill just about any cell.
It has been proven that scotch does cross the Blood Brain Barrier, so it could be theraputic for AN's....
Hmmmmm.. i have tried this cure a couple of times and it didn't work and had horrible side effects in the morning... Admittidly I have never tried it long term. In short I don't recommend it.
Some other Natural substances with theraputic properties are Cocaine, Opium, Hallucenogenic mushrooms and Marijuana.
I hope you get my point, just because it is natural or a herb does not mean it is not dangerous.
Which is why if we go back to the Patent document it talks about Honokiol Analogues.
This is about modifying part of the molecule so that it still has the theraputic effect but misses out on potential side effects
So now that Honokiol has passed the petri dish test, it will move on to mice, and eventually humans if it gets past mice.
We have a long way to go before this makes it out of the labs, and I don't think we have a clear understanding of the side effects of this substance when used for long lengths of time, or at potentially high doses.
Traditionally I believe honokiol was used as an infusion (Tea), or ground up and applied to wounds.
To take Honokiol in any way that differs from how it was used tradtionally you are at far greater risk of something going horribly wrong.
South American Indians chewed on Coca leaves for medicinal purposes.
Western Society took it to the extreme by purifying it and now it goes up peoples noses with a straw.
We did the same with Opium, turning it into heroin and sticking it in our veins.
Honokiol is one of many promising substances emerging as a potential drug therapy for AN's.
The side effects from long term use may still mean that radiation or surgery are best for sporadic AN's
In NF2 where more nerves are affected especially the spine and a reduced life expectancy.
Side effects of drug therapies becomes less of an issue.
NF2 patients will be the first to try these drugs as they will be potentially life saving.
Avastin is a drug that has been proven to reduce AN's however the side effects are horrible, and long term use not really advisable.
For us with Sporadic AN, we already have a cure, surgery or radiation, those with NF2 are not so lucky.
Now where is my glass of scotch..... Only kidding....