Do Tear Duct Plugs work if you have no tears?ÂÂ
I am 3 1/2 months out from AN surgery with no tear function at all and no saliva on right side.
I use Celluvisc every 1 - 2 hours, but when I am around air conditiioning, particularly, commercial places like restaurants, malls, grocery stores, I can't stand it for more than 20 or thirty minutes. Once the eye gets hurting, it takes "hours" to feel better. Also reading on the computer for than 1 - 2 hours causes the same problems. Does anyone else experience these problems? I wear a moisture chamber to help, but it creates condensation that blurrs my visiion.ÂÂ
Also I am taking Salagen to help increase saliva from the working glands, but my gums are still receeding! The gums appear healthy and not bleeding, but they are receeding. Any suggestions on what I can do further besides, brush, floss, rinse, chew gum, and take the Salagen? Any advise would be welcome! Thanks.