As someone who has recently discovered the device, I have to say that it is a very promising one.
HEARING EXPERIENCE: For my initial 10 day trial, I chose to use both BTE pieces. They are the least obtrusive. In fact, when I let a close colleague of mine know that I was wearing them, she did a double take...she could barely see them on my ears.
They're good at handling relatively noisy situations. But, I did wear them on a noisy bus heading to Fenway Park just the other day and they didn't help much. Sometimes too much noise is just too much noise. I'm learning that it's all experiment. Sometimes they will help, sometimes not.
BATTERIES: A typical day may be putting the aids on heading to work, but leaving the battery compartments disengaged until I need them in action. This allows me flexibility and also helps to manage battery life significantly. I'm still using the same batteries from 5 days ago.
COSTS: I've been quoted $2150 for the Audeo BTE hearing aid (their cheapest model since I don't need a lot of features) and $1000 for the BTE Transmitter. My audiologist also provides batteries for 4 years. So battery costs are tucked in there. Since batteries costs can add up, this may be a good question to ask any they provide batteries!?!
INSURANCE: MA insurance doesn't cover hearing aids. Other states do.
TECHNOLOGY: The new CROS is based on the new wireless platform they introduced on all their aids last year. So anyone who recently got theirs (post 2/11, I believe) has the latest. My audiologist who also used to work for Phonak told me that an upgrade is probably not likely in the near future because the CROS is a pretty niche business and the need to iterate on that specific unit isn't needed...features are pretty basic and their finding success with the current platform for now. As they upgrade their more mainstream units, CROS may benefit from some new discoveries at that time.
NEXT STEPS: I see my audiologist again in Thursday to determine whether I go forward with a 30 day trial. That allows you to have the devices for 30 more days and only forfeit $250 should you not want to keep them. I'm going to move forward with the next trial period. I have a big work event/conference from Apr 28-May 2. Lots of opportunity to test these around noisy dinners and hallways!