I had vestibular rehab for many months following my February, 2008 retrosigmoid surgery. At first I went to a regular physical therapist, which only helped a little by strengthening my core muscles, etc. Found a trained vestibular therapist and it was a huge difference in how much his working with me and the home program he gave me helped. Since it was a 50-mile one way drive to his office, I only went once a week for a couple of months, then once every two weeks for a couple of months, then once a month for a couple more sessions ..... all the while doing the home program on a daily basis that he had developed for me. It made a big difference in how quickly I learned to use my sensorineuro and visual systems much more efficiently.
I no longer do the exercises on a regular basis, but it would probably be a good thing for me to resume them. Just lazy, I guess.
I really had no additional effects from the translab surgery in May, 2011 since I had already compensated for my missing vestibular systems.