I don't know that I was near a breakdown or if I had one but a few years back things were really rough. There were to many bad things going on at the same time. Dealing with the long term tumor issues, husbands job not going well plus we weren't working the same shifts, oldest son not keeping in contact with us and youngest son in the Military(worried about him & he didn't seem to need me anymore).
I went into what I consider a major panic attack. I was alright when I was outside but I couldn't be in my own home unless my husband was there too! I told him this and he worked with me. I began obsessive compulsive behavior, checked and rechecked the door to make sure it was locked, etc. checked and rechecked my work at work wish isn't good when the customer is waiting for you to wrap things up so they can leave. Coworker noticed, luckily I was able to get through it before it became an issue. I slept a lot on the weekends. One weekend I wanted to go to a neighbors funeral but I just couldn't seem to get up and get going. It was a dark and dreary day. As I laid there in bed I recalled the good times I had with my neighbor, his wife and my kids. I knew how much his wife wished he was still with her, still living, what I was doing wasn't living. I decided then and there that the least I could do for his wife was to go to her husbands funeral. When they asked if anyone wanted to say anything I stood up and told his wife what they had meant to me and how lucky I was to have them as neighbors. Believe it or not that was the end of my major panic attack. A friend told me later that she thought I had a break down. I still have small panic attacks now and then but I just take a deep breath and remind myself that I made it through it once and I can do it again. Then it passes.
I don't know exactly what you are going through but I just wanted to let you know that others go through similar things and get through it. Take Care and keep us posted, Jill Marie