I am Italian so I apologize for my English.
In October 2010 I had 3 fraction of cyberknife for a 2,3x1,6x1,1 cm. acoustic neuroma. The neuroma showed sign of necrosis as of last MRI of september 2011.Three months ago I had a sudden onset of an hydrocephalus.The AN caused hydrocephalus because released proteins which interferes with the absorption of CSF fluid. This kind of hydrocephalus is a communicating type and it is called aresorptive hydrocephalus. I went into the ER and I had a CT scan done.
My husband was told the pressure in my head was to high and my ventricles were huge. I had a ventricoloperitoneal shunt put it. A programmable valve was inserted and adjusted at the intracranic pressure of 170.
May the removal of the neuroma alleviate the CSF pressure and restore the normal circulation/adsorption of CSF?
Thank you