Hi Sunshine
I'm really sorry that you're going thru all of this. Regarding the facial paralysis please consider having a EMG test done in the near future so you'll know the numbers on where you're at, at this point in time with your nerve response ( or lack of response). At a later date a second one can be done for comparison. This will help provide you with the needed information enabling you to make the decisions
on what direction to take, or not to take.
I know that this is going to sound wierd, but my husband had a similar outcome as yourself. Without his job, and as much interaction as he had with people prior to the AN treatment I noticed that his conversations were limited. Looking back at that time reading was difficult, few people to talk to, I think his skills just slipped. I made it a point to watch the news and dicuss whatever, I also put him on the computer. PLAYING GAMES. Just different ones, especially the ones that involved memory.
eye hand coordination, word games especially. Anyway it really helped. Improved his memory. helped with small coordination, but all in all made a difference in his daily life. Langage skills improved.
Feel free to write me direct and I'll share more. But it's worth a try. Stress and fatique also tends to increase the word reversal for Chet.
Sunshine, things will get better, just more slowly then we would like. Know that you aren't alone, others have and are facing the same issues as yourself. Know how valuable you are, you are a lady of courage and inner strength to of face everything and still move forward. You haven't gave a inche!!!! You've shown incrediable strength of spirit.
Most of all know how much we care and how much we missed you these past few months. I was really excited to see your post and to have you back.
As I said write me direct.
Hugs to you