I just got the results back from an MRI to find out that I have acoustic neuroma in my right ear. The MRI was not exactly looking for AN, so I am not sure how accurate the size measurments are. There are three sizes on my MRI results, the biggest being 1.5 cm, I believe the other two are 1 or less. I am guessing that means that I have an AN sized at 1.5cm. I immediately started looking up this , and became pretty depressed at what I found. So far I have spoken to one Radiation Oncoiloogist about Gamma Knife, and I am almost 100% certain that I will not be doing this. I am only 26 years old. I have yet to see someone as young as me on any of these forums or websites. That scares me. I have read a little about some of the other procedures. The Oncologist said my best bet is to wait and have an MRI in a year providing I can "put this on the shelf". He said it is very small. I have two appointments in the city with Neurosurgeons at Columbia and NYU. I am afraid of the risks of surgery, and my quality of life. Right now I have tinnitus slightly, and a pressure in my ear, and on a rare occation I lose a little balance. Other than that I am fine. I am set to be wed in April, and want to start a family soon. I realize have time, and I will be using that time to gather as much info as I can and find the best doctor. I realize that statistics are just numbers, but I am wondering what are the risks of the different operative procedures? And what are the risks of unrelated procedures as a basis of comparison? I mean this is brain surgery! And when the radiation oncologist is telling me "I am in dark waters", I am scared as hell. Although I would like to preseerve my hearing, I can handle losing it, I think. The facial paralysis would be devistating, but I'll live. I guess this is my way of measuring things.
What I am scared of is that if I wait, and it grows (which it sounds like they almost always do grow) does that make the surgery more complicated? I know there is no real rate of growth since these are sporatic, but could I have 5 years to make a decision, 10 years, 1 year? I don't know. Do go with 10 years of good hearing and basically no real problem, or do I risk it and possibly have early hearning loss, facial paraylisis, meningitus? Do I put my life at risk now or later? I am going out of my mind with this. I am glad there is support out there.