There have been a few questions lately re balance and why is
it now so poor etc. So in laymans terms...
Basically the body has two balance nerves left and right
which are co-ordinated to work together by the brain.
They are located on/very near, the hearing nerves.
An A.N. located on or near here causes a disturbance
Any Operation or Radiotherapy near here can cause swelling
and further malfunction. NF2, Surgery, or Radiotherapy can completely
destroy the nerve.
Often one good nerve (only) vs. one good and one not working well
- is often much better - a misfiring nerve (often) causes more problems.
The Body can adjust to the total loss
- and operate on the one nerve
the brain now mixes the signals from the one nerve and what the eyes tell it
( a visual point of reference).
It follows that this does not work so well when its dark
- or if you are drunk ! (or low blood sugar/fluids or just tired)
Generally single nerve folk sense fatigue more - and have to take a simple
rest more often. (the extra work in the brain seems to cause this)
You can train the body to adjust quicker and better by exercising the
balance (in safe and controlled conditions)
The recovery time Post-OP etc is anything from a few days to 12mths
depending on the extent of the work involved.
There are NF2`s walking around with NO balance nerves at all (
so it can be done...(no, I dont now how, either)
Finally a change of lifestyle means "no more ladders"
or anything where a sudden loss of balance might cause
further injury (I was heart broken...)
Topline - you can train/adapt yourself back to 95%
but the remaining 5% is best avoided
Hope this is useful
Best Regards