Author Topic: 6 months postop  (Read 1823 times)


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6 months postop
« on: January 30, 2012, 01:01:46 pm »
I had surgery on June 13 to remove my tumor. It was a large tumor that they got the most of, translabyrinth approach.  They couldn't get all of it because it was wrapped around my brain stem.  I was in the hospital for 10 days and then a rehab unit for 7 days.  I was in University Hospital in Syracuse, NY.  My neurosurgeon was Dr. Eric Deshaises and my ENT Dr. was Dr. Charles Woods.  They both have been excellent throughout the whole process.  I came home July 1, on my grandson's 4th birthday.  I really never thought I'd say this, but a hot dog tasted good!  It was a long summer going through OT and PT, but was released from them in October.  Last Thursday, January 25th, I underwent placement of a gold weight in my right eyelid.  My eye feels so much better!  On Wednesday I meet with my employer to get back to work next Monday, February 6.  It will be good to get back to work, although my work will be checked 100%.  My job is Coding Manager at a local hospital that entails a lot of thought processes and memory.  I am somewhat scared about all of that.  I have to try, though.  Does anyone have any suggestions about how long to give myself?  There have been a lot of ups and downs and there are some things I will never take for granted again!  My husband has been very supportive and it must have been a long and difficult road for him as well.  It feels good to have some normalcy return to our lives although somehow I think things will never be completely normal again.  Does anyone have any suggestions about what to expect going forward?  I know that I'll be having followup MRIs going forward.  Thank you for listening.
Translabyrinthine removal on 6/13/11 for a 3-4 cm cerebellopontine angle tumor (vestibular schwannoma) at University Hospital in Syracuse, NY by Dr. Deshaies and Dr. Woods.  10 1/2  hour surgery.  Got 90-95% of tumor. Hospital stay for 10 days. Inpatient Rehab for 7 days.  doing pretty well.


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Re: 6 months postop
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2012, 09:29:26 pm »
Hi, I'm about 10 months out. I actually do billing for my husband's physical therapy office. At first, I was working 2 hours day when I went back to work 3 months post-op. Now, I'm working about 7-9 hours a day, and surprisingly I can handle it. In November, our office switched to all electronic billing and I was able to manage the transition, train the new employees, and coordinate the whole project. So I think you should be okay. I hope you'll be okay. Going back to work, although at first it was hard with facial paralysis and all, but it got better and better each month.
MRI found 5.1cm AN on left on 3/18/11: age of 28
Surgery 4/5/11 with dr.Tamargo and dr. Francis. @ johns Hopkins
Whole tumor removed, facial nerves in tact, but unresponsive
Platinum eyelid weight on 4/6
Left facial paralysis, numbness, double vision

God is the Healer


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Re: 6 months postop
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2012, 08:51:09 pm »
Getting back to work was the best thing for me.  I was depressed at home and keep feeling I would never be normal if I didn't get back to my work schedule.  I went back at 6 weeks 4 hours a day and then 8hours a day after 8 weeks.  I am a Nurse Coordinator so my job takes a lot of thinking, managing but I will say it worked, I got better and better and I did not have to say "i just had brain surgery cut me some slack".  I am still not 100% but work is good therapy. Good luck getting back in the groove.
Diagnosed 6/2008
Right AN 2cmx8x9
Sub-Occipital at Mass General with Martusa and McKenna on 5/31/11
Right SSD, very little taste
I think I will make it!