Author Topic: Post OP depression ?  (Read 5273 times)


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Post OP depression ?
« on: July 26, 2006, 12:51:08 am »
I saw on the net a survey that covered 100+ NF2 `s
maybe more than 50% experianced post-op depression.
Some on this list are surely in the same boat.
(Hardy surprising really multiple surgeries, half your hearing gone,
balance issues, half your face damaged, regrowth worries etc etc etc)
So I wondered what exactly is the proceedure "stateside" for getting
help and assistance to deal with it ?
If there were folk in this list (maybe to embarassed to ask ?)
what should they do ?
Over to you guys...
Best regards


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Re: Post OP depression ?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2006, 04:44:06 am »
I think the depression issue is  a very real issue when there are significant outcomes including the ones you listed.  It's also the lost of identity, who we were and what we were able to do before, to who we are now and may, or may not be able to do now.  It's muptiple losses, health/medical issues losses, employment losses, and in many cases relationship losses, not to mention financial losses.  It's alot for a person to deal with.  In fact many of these issues are on the list of top reasons for depression.

This is a great subject to bring before the group Tony because it's an area that i think the Doctor's overlook and some of the time the patients are in denial.  I've brought the subject up before our family doctor a few times

I'm interested in seeing the responses.  Thanks for bringing this subject up.

Best to you

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Re: Post OP depression ?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2006, 06:14:33 am »
I also think this is a good topic.  Prior to my diagnosis and surgery.  I had started taking Zoloft to help me with PMS issues not depression. 

I agree with Raydean.  There's alot going on mentally/physically as a result of my AN journey, and I think being on the Zoloft has helped me cope alot more than if i were not on it.  Also, I did see a counselor for a short period of time, and it really helped me to talk to a third party.  Sometimes family members and friends think they are being supportive, when they and their comments are not.

Denise 8)


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Re: Post OP depression ?
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2006, 06:56:30 am »
For the benefit of the others on the list,
How exactly, do you get to see a specialist ?
Best Regards


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Re: Post OP depression ?
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2006, 07:13:19 am »
Tony-I was having emotional problems after my surgery (12/00-4 cm).  I would get very deeply sad for good reasons and very angry at my caring husband.  I described it as my emotions seeming out of proportion to the events.  I didn't share this,but I felt that I wished I were dead so I didn't have to feel these emotions.  When I gently mentioned to my neurologist my exagerated emotions, she asked me to try lexapro and the bad feelings went away.  I have thought on a couple of occassions that I was better so I very gradually weaned myself off the lexapro.  The first emotion to come back was the death thought.  It scared me enough to vow to stay on it for life.  I also had 3 years of therapy to deal with the many changes brought on by my AN. I am fine now but medicated for life.  In answer to your question-just tell your family doctor-not surgeon necessarily and they should be able to prescribe something and help you get therapy.  Do NOT be embarrassed to bring it up.  It is normal after any big health crisis.  Patti
4 cm AN removed 12/2000
subsequent brain swelling
removal of part of cerebellum
face, scalp,tongue numbness and partial paralysis
no corneal sensation and no tears-frequent eye issues
cognitive issues
Regrowth (3.1 x ..86 cm) treated by SRS on November 6, 2015


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Re: Post OP depression ?
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2006, 07:24:12 am »
I was having violent emotional swings which the originally attributed to the hormonal imbalances and surgery.  Eventually the doctor himself said it's time for some med intervention and therapy...therapy only lasted about 4 sessions before she said you're adjusting just fine and don't need me as in the beginning it was considered an adjustment disorder with trying to cope with the many losses and changes from surgery.  Like Patti, I'm probably meds for life..not happy about it but know it's a reality for me.  I do feel calmer and more able to handle the frustrations that occur of the things I can not do any longer that I had no problems with before.


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Re: Post OP depression ?
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2006, 08:50:00 am »
Depression is depression - how-so-ever caused.
Some folk are angry or have trouble controlling temper (me, a bit)
Some have trouble adjusting to the changes (me, a bit more maybe)
Some drink a little more (me, a bit more ish)
Some only see the dark or greyside of life
Some are a bit oversensitive to critisim (who me ?)
Some are in denial about some, or all, of the above (never !)
Frankly if you see any of the above in yourself, or friends etc
seek the advice of professionals, dont try to carry it all alone.
Best Regards


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Re: Post OP depression ?
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2006, 05:53:16 pm »
I agree with Tony's list...also if they sleep alot or very little,
don't enjoy activities they used to (keep in mine post treatment if they can still do the activity)
trouble smiling or laughing at funny situtations or things.

I know for me like tony I was angry and had trouble with my temper which  normally I don't
My doctor has a checklist which helps you identify symtpoms and were you are I'm sure you're local doc would too or there should be something on line.

Caregivers would feel like they are walking on eggshells just waiting for the next storm to blow through.


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Re: Post OP depression ?
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2006, 07:30:49 pm »
What has helped me tremendously was going to therapy. It was not easy to let go of the person I once was for 40+ years and suddenly step into the new me. Change is hard! I was greatful to be alive, yet I was angry, sad and very frustrated at life. I wasn't living life, just merely exsisting and somedays I felt almost robotic.  My family and friends were very supportive in telling me the things I wanted to hear, but not the things that I needed to hear. (totally understandable)

I learned new coping skills for the "new" me and was given permission to grieve some of the things that I had lost.

Thanks Tony your list is spot on

3.5 cm  - left side  Single sided deafness 
Middle Fossa Approach - California Ear Institute at Stanford - July 1998
Dr. Joseph Roberson and Dr. Gary Steinberg
Life is great at 50


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Re: Post OP depression ?
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2006, 08:42:35 pm »

 I was just talking to my aunt today about this very thing.I think it would  been hellpful for the surgeons to prepare their patients  a little better for the "healing"process and it's different stages.I think that depression seems to be very common with AN patients but doesn't really get talked about.I'm sure there are people out there who may not recognize their depression or may be too proud to admit that they need help.I think we need to be proactive about our mental recovery as well as the physical.
 Sometimes just talking to someone (therapist)to help bring  a sense of perspective back and help ground you is all it takes.
My thoughts are with anyone out there struggling with this issue,I know how hard it can be...


Translab April 24,2006 3.5x2.5cm
Sunnybrook Hospital,Toronto.Dr.Chen&Dr.Perusmen
Left side facial paralysis,gold weight in eyelid &"deaf on the left"
now I'm a true canadian...EH?


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Re: Post OP depression ?
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2006, 06:57:22 am »
I am so glad that I am not abnormal like all my docs think.  I have a psychiatrist and a therapist and great insurance.  I have been put on Pacil CR, three different Prozacs and now Effecsor (225 mg) and it doesn't work.  I have taken Ambien, Lunesta and Amitipyline to try to get some sleep and I still wake up every hour on the hour to make sure I am still alive!!!  Maybe shock treatment will do the trick, I am almost ready for that.  It meakes me feel better to know that I am not the only one with depression after the surgery.  Today is my one year anniversary of the AN surgery.  My insurance company has a hotline and wesite called Live Well and they have helkped me get to the docs I need in a hurry.  I am very lucky in that sense.
Take care and enjoy the heat or rain, whichever part of the world you are in.
Brenda Oberholtzer
AN surgery 7/28/05
Peyman Pakzaban, NS
Chester Strunk, ENT


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Re: Post OP depression ?
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2006, 11:39:36 am »
I think we all should understand this was, 30-40 years ago,
quite major surgery. Around 1914 were the first survivors of the OP.
These days 99.9% come through Ok
- But it is still a major event - and it takes time to fix
Best regards


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Re: Post OP depression ?
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2006, 06:19:19 pm »
My surgeon did warn me about depression following surgery.  He said (and this was so true) that I might have "survivor euphoria" first and then crash as I realized what I lost.  At first just being alive and to have survived brain surgery was enough to have me flying high for about a week after I got home from the hospital.  Then, the post op complications became so real and more apparent that I was really afraid of what was to come.

Depression is very real and and looked at so differently in this day and age that I urge anyone with symptoms to get help.  I have a brother that is bi-polar and he cannot function without his meds.  I just wish he had admited his illness earlier.  His two kids grew up with a on again off again father. Actually, he was way more off than on. 

Very heavy subject but so very important.   Bravo Tony  -  Kathy
Kathy - Age 54
2.5 cm translab May '04
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis
Dr. Sam Levine - Dr. Stephen Haines


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Re: Post OP depression ?
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2006, 10:27:28 am »
I hadnt heard of "Survivor euphoria"
but it makes sense
(I guess better than "Pearle gates syndrome", or similar)
Anyhow the only one I really understand is "Stockholm Syndrome"
- you know where they kidnap you, starve you, deprive you of sleep
- and you fall in love with them for it !
Its the only way I can account for the Mermaid/nurse relationship....
Best Regards