Welcome to our group...even though that means, unfortunately, you have been diagnosed with an 'Acoustic Nureoma'.
They can be tough to deal with - or, sometimes not so tough (I say this from experience). You are one of the 'lucky' one's...you caught it early - and it's small. It is quite treatable at this point, likely with non-invasive radiation therapy. Not fun - but at least no cutting of your skull or hospital stay. Watching and Waiting is an option too, and tempting, but while AN tumors are usually slow-growing, they can accelerate their growth, too, on occasion. Your final decision on treatment is ultimately between you and your physician(s) but I would want the tumor outtahere, ASAP. Especially if that can be accomplished without surgery, which is likely possible, in your case. Choose your doctor carefully - and 'get educated' on your options. This site can help...a lot. My neurosurgeon noted that most of his Acoustic Neuroma patients are 'sophisticated and well-informed'. He admired that.
When the terms 'brain' and 'tumor' are part of your diagnosis, you certainly want to learn all you can, especially with the lnternet available to almost everyone, today. This site - and board - are excellent for your continuing 'AN education'. I suggest you use them.
Tatianne, I send you my best wishes for the future - and whatever course you decide to take in addressing your Acoustic Neuroma.