I first should begin with telling you I did NOT have a good day yesterday. My MRI was first. It lasted way longer than normal. Toward the end, I looked thru the mirror and could see several people in the room behind the glass who were staring at the monitor. That was a very scary moment. Then the technician came out and said that they were going to put this pulse rate thing on my finger and take a couple additional images. That, in and of itself, caused my pulse rate to go up. I still don't know the exact reason for this, but I'm guessing that the people staring at the monitor were medical students and they wanted to see how my pulse was, being unmedicated for an MRI.
My next appointment was with Dr. Gardner, the Neurosurgeon. His fellow came in first and said that my tumor really hadn't grown much if at all. The fellow asked me about my current symptoms. He also asked me if I still used the phone with my AN ear. I don't because I miss some of the words from the person on the other end of the line. I had a list of questions ready to be asked of Dr. Gardner. When Dr. Gardner came in, he said that he saw that I'm no longer using my ear on the AN side for phone calls. He went on to say that he uses this as a guide in knowing whether I truly have serviceable hearing on that side...enough to want to try to preserve the hearing nerve. He didn't think I did and thus, changed the type of surgery that he would recommend. Now it's translab. He said the mid fossa would have been more risky with the facial nerve. Translab, as you know, will rid me of my hearing on that side. So this is when I felt things went downhill. I was going in thinking that I was going to go with the mid fossa surgery. He said he could still do it, but again more risk to the facial nerve.
My next appointment was with Dr. Hirsch, ENT/neurotologist. At that time, I had my hearing tested. It went from 88% speech understanding in August 2011 to 64% currently. Can anyone tell me what I should really be looking for on my hearing test paperwork? I see dB results. Dr. Hirsch felt that he would agree with Dr. Gardner with the translab. He did, however, say that because it looks like I'll lose my hearing anyhow, I could stay in the W&W. He didn't say much about Cyberknife and I forgot to ask those questions.
I also asked about numbers of surgeries, etc. from both doctors. Dr. Gardner stated that "we" do about 1-2 a month or about 24 per year. He does mid-fossa for other problems, not just ANs. Dr. Gardner performs brain surgeries every day but Tuesdays. Dr. Hirsch stated that he has done 100's of surgeries on ANs. He was around prior to radiation being a treatment option. He has done about 70 Cyberknife treatments. That is another option, however, I'm not sure about going through a period of unknowns. That's what I feel right now and it stinks!! I did not feel as if Dr. Gardner was as compassionate at this appointment, which threw me for another loop. My guess is that he might have been having a bad day. It makes me worry that if I say I want mid fossa anyhow, will it make him not be extra careful around the facial nerve?
At this point, I don't know what I'm going to do. I think I need to take some time to regroup. I know a lot of you will recommend sending my results to another place or getting more opinions, but I'm getting so tired of this. It's very stressful and has me worn out. Especially when you get different answers and become more confused.
I appreciate you taking the time to read through my long post. I guess it made me feel a little better to type things out. If you have any questions, please ask.