Hi grammyslim and welcome to this forum .....
I assume from your user name that you must be a grandmother ..... so am I.
If you have not already done so, send for the free ANA materials and they will answer many of your questions. See:
http://www.anausa.org/index.php/contact-us/free-ana-information-packet1.4 cm is generally considered small to medium in size. Keep in mind that size is not the only determiner of whether to treat (and how). The specific location it is growing and your symptoms are equally important considerations.
I am not a doctor, but from my own journey and research I have learned the following: every AN patient is unique in how the symptoms progress and which one is the most concerning. If the AN is closer to the cochlea, hearing loss quickly becomes an issue. If it is encroaching on the brainstem (out of the IAC), then action for treatment is more urgent. If a patient has facial nerve symptoms, action is urgent.
With the older radiation machines, much larger doses of radiation were given than in today's world. It has largely been debunked that radiation is only for older patients.
At 1.4 cm, you may have all three options open to you ..... watch and wait with frequent follow-up MRIs, radiation (Cyberknife, Gamma Knife, or FSR), or surgical removal (translab, middle fossa, or retrosigmoid approaches). Much depends on the location, your symptoms, and your personal comfort level.
Best thoughts.