I think that was the title of an article in Notes that I wrote when Daisy Head Maisy and I became leaders of the Portland ANA group. Here i am again, involved in another passing of the torch, this time as the passer, not the receiver.
In case you haven't noticed, I am no longer a moderator on the forum - as well as being decidedly less active on it. I think that is partly due to a desire to move on, as I am doing fine, if you don't count being pretty hard of hearing on both sides now. There are also a number of events in my life that require my time and attention these days.
DHM and I just had another good group meeting a few weeks ago, with lots of newbies. She is doing very well, and is always busy with her teenage kids. I am sure the newbies will keep showing up here, too. As far as I can tell, there is an unlimited supply of ANs to be handed out.
Speaking of newbies, the torch is passing to Jay (jaylogs), who is no newbie on the forum, but qualifies as a newbie moderator. So take it easy on him (for a little while) - this means the three musketeers, and all you other scallywags.
Best wishes to Jay and all my forum friends.
PS: no, I am not still knitting hats.