Hi Jeremy .....
Jay, Suu, and Cheryl have pretty much covered what to expect. I will only add that you may or may not feel up to reading of any kind. I had significant double vision following my first AN surgery, thus I did not want to open my eyes very much. My husband would quit talking to me when I closed my eyes until I told him I could hear him, I just preferred not seeing two of him at the same time.
You may not experience that at all, but do not be surprised if you do. A previous retrosigmoid surgery to that one I had extreme nausea so again I kept my eyes closed a good bit of the time.
The steroids may cause you to have insomnia. I was grateful for my iPhone during my last translab surgery, when I had no nausea nor double vision, but wide awake at night. (I would not recommend keeping your phone with you unless you keep it in bed with you, however.)
Lip balm is essential .....
Many thoughts and prayers.