Would say JHH's Otolargnology Dept. is rated #1 in the USA. Between Drs. Francis and Niparko, etc, I believe you'll do fine with the MCF, Middle Cranial Fossa approach. I think maybe HEI in LA may do more AN surgeries, however.
Whether facial or vestibular/auditory nerve, the removal procedure would be the same and your chances for a good outcome very high! A Bell's Palsy history spells facial nerve AN to me but of course, I'm not a Dr. and refer all to the Dr. Your AN is small. One must remember surgeons are working in an area about the size of an aspirin and finger depth or more, opening. With MCF, also possibly a mirror.
You could ask Dr. what he expects, and about Antoni A or Antoni B cell types of AN and their relative degree of difficulty of disentachment from the nerve.
It's unlikely brain retraction will cause any long lasting cognitive effect. My feeling is that is often overrated.
Good luck, Brandon. I wish you the very best outcome and believe that will occur your case.