Katie, just had to get my two cents in ('cause that's the kind of guy I am
Everyone has given you some great advice and experiences, the one thing that I might add is your concentration level will be nill! I tried to read, wasn't going to happen, I tried to write in my journal, was happening, I even tried to play cards with my dear wife and that didn't happen. I slept alot, had the TV on, for company more than anything else, and enjoyed visitors as long as they didn't overstay their visit. I was in ICU for 30 hours (I had Translab) and 3 more days in the stroke center (thats where they put you in Kansas City), but the care was wonderful as you can imagine.
Never really had any nausea problems because they kept the anti-drugs running in the IV all the time. You will be very sedate in the hospital, they will make sure of that so relax and enjoy your vacation. Get up and walk as soon as you are able...take it in short steps (stand for a few seconds, than sit back down, then walk a few steps, back down, etc.) You will be amazed at how fast your body will adjust to its new configuration.
Eat! and suck on those ice chips, they are great. Nothing is going to sound good, or look especially good, but eat for two reasons. One you will need the sustenance and second if you don't the nurses will give you H___!
Finally, be sure you have PJs or nightgown, whatever you are most comfortable in, it will make a world of difference in your attitude, along with being able to brush your teeth and wash your face. Never thought those two things would bring me pleasure but.....
Good luck, you will be in great loving hands!!!!