Hi John,
I know the stress that comes from contemplating this decision. I have NF2, am deaf in one ear, and have a 3.5 cm tumor on the other side yet perfect hearing on that side. It's tough to decide when to "pull the trigger" and get treated. In my case, I know I will wake up completely deaf. I too like the cd's I get every 6 months. That measurement tool is pretty cool. My wife doesn't like it too well because I want run straight home after my MRI and pop in the CD. I think that having the CD is very empowering for me. I can look at the size, compare it to previous scans, and decide what I want to do. I really like my doctor, but we differ to some degree about when to have surgery again. I feel like I would rather be deaf sooner as opposed to increasing the risk for facial nerve damage and other problems by allowing the tumor to grow while my hearing holds out.
Unfortunately, no course of action comes with guarantees for success. I think that you are indeed fortunate that you can still consider all options. My feeling is that if you are considering surgery, there is no benefit to waiting if hearing preservation is a priority. The doctors at HEC are having success preserving hearing using the Middle Fossa approach on relatively small tumors. However, I am not sure about how important the size of the tumor is when choosing radiosurgery. Others in this forum could better answer that. I think that you are doing well soliciting the opinions of numerous doctors. I spen a considerable amount of time contemplating ( my wife called it obsessing) a long term plan. Once I made that decision, I have stuck with may plan and "rolled with the punches." Although things have not totally happened as I envisioned them, I am comforted by the fact that I made the decisions myself. I would suggest gathering the doctors' opinions, soliciting the opinions of the important people in your life, and developing a plan using those resources. Develop a plan that you feel comfortable with understnading that there will always be the "what if" questions.
I hope I was of some help. If nothing else, please know that I understand how you feel.
Best wishes,