I guess my initial thoughts were like some others. This study is BS.
But then I thought a little further, and it was likely that the authors were probably looking for the exact opposite, a link to smoking causing Acoustic Neuroma. When they discovered the opposite they published the results.
While the opposite result was received, this observation may one day lead to a cure for Acoustic Neuroma.
65 Years ago a drug called Thalidomide was released, causing horrible birth defects. After decades of nobody wanting to touch the stuff, it is now seen as a cancer cure. While Tobacco may be seen as an evil today...who knows maybe this observation will mean all we need to do to shrink an AN is to wear a nicotine patch!...
Please don't try this, it is nothing but very wild speculation, but hopefully you see my point that the observation could lead to a cure.
No sensible person should be looking at taking up smoking to attempt some sort of tumour regression.
The study indicates that smoking reduces the risk of Acoustic Neuroma's starting. There is no link showing smoking in anyway inhibits growth once it starts.
We also need to remember that so many smoked in the 70's and 80's and those that did smoke, have now most likely given up, and have now reached the age where most AN's are detected 40-65.
The risk of heart disease, lung cancer and so many other ailments from smoking far outweigh any possible benefit to AN's
Maybe one day this observation may be the key to unlocking, a better understanding on how AN's start and a drug based cure for AN.