Well now I have developed Trigeminal Neuralgia...my neurologist can't say for sure, but feels maybe this is because of my swelling or growing tumor...thankfully at this time it is cycles of pain and I've learned some things that work for me to help get the pain under control, but I'm now on Tegretol for the pain, at first it was too high of a dosage & I had a bad reaction to it...so started over with smaller dose and could take another 100mg as needed ....well then it started to affect (on lowest dosage) my blood pressure (which I have under control w/medication)...now I've had to stop taking it...blood pressure was running 155/102...I have to go back to my neurologist on May 9th to discuss options...don't want to have surgery...anyone else know of good meds for this...can't do Cymbalta or Lyrica...I've been on both of those for nerve damage & pain in my back...they both helped the pain, but made me mean & hostile....any ideas