Author Topic: My Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started June 10, 2012  (Read 57777 times)


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My Dear Friends, supporters,ANgels, and newbies,

I am starting this journal the day before my treatment day because I wanted to give you a chance to see what a long journey looked like! Indeed, this has been a long journey for me.

I intended this to be a gift to all that will follow me on this Gamma Knife road. Certainly, compared to Cyber Knife it is easier( in that it only involves one day). I must confess I like to play Texas Holdem Poker (I am quite good actually) and I am All In!

I also am Roman Catholic, and am extremely faithful to God, I know there is nothing without HIS Devine Intervention. I also have been praying to God and meditating very hard in preparation for tomorrow, I want to give you a secret, I have been following Dr. Wayne Dyer's " I AM Wishes Fulfilled Meditation . I will take a CD player into treatment tomorrow. I see my future, I AM Healed!

As I go to Church today, I will pray that I have made the right choice in my treatment team that will deliver the death blow to my AN "Irv". I know that without a doubt I have made the right choice in my membership with the ANA. Comparatively speaking, 2012 has been a much easier "ride" for me than 2004 was. This journey has not been easy but it has been easier because of all of you! I would encourage all Newbies to join in on the healing power of the group!

I will keep all of you updated, I promise!


« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 02:58:51 pm by MDemisay »
1974 - Dr. Michelson  Colombia Presbyterian removal of 3 Arterio Venous Malformations
2004- Dr. Sisti  NY Presbyterian subtotal removal of 3.1 cm AN,
2012 - June 11th Dr. Sisti Gamma Knife (easy-breasily done)"DEAD IRV" play taps!
Research, research, research then decide and trust in God's Hands!

Bonnie B.

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Re: My Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started June 10, 2012
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2012, 09:40:42 am »
I will be thinking of you tomorrow.  It has been three months since I had GK and other then a few small glitches, I feel great and don't regret my decision to have GK for one minute.

You will be so relieved to have all of this behind you.

1.7 cm AN
diagnosed January, 2012 - no hearing L ear
GK surgery done March 15, 2012 at Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Ct.
Dr. Chiang and Dr. Yu


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Re: My Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started June 10, 2012
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2012, 12:13:20 pm »

Wayne Dyer is great!  He wrote the forward to Anita Moorjani's book, "Dying to Be Me."  I actually found out about her book through Wayne's website.  I bought the audio version and have been listening to it over and over on my commute to work for the last couple of weeks.  The story is about Anita's battle with cancer, her near death experience, and her complete and miraculous healing.  It is a very powerful story!

Good luck tomorrow.  The forces of heaven will be with you.  You ARE already healed!

8/20/2010 - 9mm AN on left side 
Fullness, tinnitus, mild hearing loss
2/20/2011 - 8mm
4/20/2012 - 12.4 mm
Moderate to severe hearing loss, LOUD tinnitus, deteriorating balance
Facial numbness and twitching, which subsided pre-surgery
Translab at House, 7/3/2012, Slattery and Schwartz


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Re: My Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started June 10, 2012
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2012, 09:33:28 pm »
To all,

Treatment day was a breeze! It helps so much to spend a little extra on yourself and be driven into NYC. If you seer that up ahead of time then there are no worries. The most difficult thing to do was to get 3 people leaving at once. Then if you remember your phone(which I did not) making calls or designate a person who has a remote friend to telegraph information.

It was easy once the decision was made, on which form of radiation to go with. What was difficult was selecting a time to be treated, and knowing it was right not only for me but for my family as well. A tremendous amount of relief goes into today, not only that all the anxiety is finally over, but that I can finally get back to enjoying the little things!

The colors seem brighter, the smells seem more fragrant, the sounds seem more crisp. Today seems to be the first day of the rest of my life.

I'm looking forward to what tomorrow brings as my tumor swells and begins necrosis!

It's a new day, this story is NOT over! I bring hope to all AN survivors, there is a bright future out there, you just have to slow down, change your life a little, learn to adapt and go on.......

A little headache and a few holes aren't such bad life changers, are they?

I'll keep you posted as to the side effects as promised. Dr. Sisti said that I would be having further CT scans at a year and 2 out and that 99% of his patients didn' t have reoccurrence in 10 to 15 years.

Good night it's been a long day for me!

Thank you for your prayers on my behalf, today I felt lifted by prayer!

1974 - Dr. Michelson  Colombia Presbyterian removal of 3 Arterio Venous Malformations
2004- Dr. Sisti  NY Presbyterian subtotal removal of 3.1 cm AN,
2012 - June 11th Dr. Sisti Gamma Knife (easy-breasily done)"DEAD IRV" play taps!
Research, research, research then decide and trust in God's Hands!


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Re: My Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started June 10, 2012
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2012, 09:46:04 pm »
Glad it went well, Mike!  Take it easy for a bit, and keep us posted.

8/20/2010 - 9mm AN on left side 
Fullness, tinnitus, mild hearing loss
2/20/2011 - 8mm
4/20/2012 - 12.4 mm
Moderate to severe hearing loss, LOUD tinnitus, deteriorating balance
Facial numbness and twitching, which subsided pre-surgery
Translab at House, 7/3/2012, Slattery and Schwartz

Bonnie B.

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Re: My Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started June 10, 2012
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2012, 06:37:47 am »
I'm so glad your GK is over and done with.  Isn't it a great feeling to have it over.   Keep us posted.

1.7 cm AN
diagnosed January, 2012 - no hearing L ear
GK surgery done March 15, 2012 at Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Ct.
Dr. Chiang and Dr. Yu


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Re: My Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started June 10, 2012
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2012, 09:39:40 am »
Great news Mike! Hope to see you again at one of the NYC meetings in the future... Mike, Mickey


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Re: My Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started June 10, 2012
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2012, 10:07:59 am »
Dear LizAN and Bonnie,

Day 2 I woke this morning with no throbbing nor persistent pain or facial twitches that I was having intermitently just before undergoing 12 gy for 40 minutes.

 I must say that the Doctor's attitude about the whole procedure literally exuded confidence he was so sure, his confidence gave me the final push.

Which my friends is why I say you must choose wisely your final team, listen to your gut and go with it, trust your gut!

It is God directing you! Then relax and know that you are in HIS HANDS. HE is carrying you.

This is not my final post, I will be updating you all to show you that you have nothing to fear. True, it is challenging to step forward but with a little preparation and active meditation and support from us here, you all will do fine. The GK machine was silent, as I was in my meditation, I didn't notice after what seemed like only a few moments, I said out loud when do I start Dr. Sisti came on the loud speaker and said that I had been in for 20 minutes and that I had 20 more to go! I slid back easily into my "I AM HEALED" meditation in moments it was over!

Before the attachment of the frame, they gave me Ativan to help with my mood, instantly I became fearless! In fact my family said it made me cheerful!

When they recommend drugs for the alievation of anxiety, I recommend taking them. Do not be afraid! Trust your gut!

1974 - Dr. Michelson  Colombia Presbyterian removal of 3 Arterio Venous Malformations
2004- Dr. Sisti  NY Presbyterian subtotal removal of 3.1 cm AN,
2012 - June 11th Dr. Sisti Gamma Knife (easy-breasily done)"DEAD IRV" play taps!
Research, research, research then decide and trust in God's Hands!

Bonnie B.

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Re: My Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started June 10, 2012
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2012, 10:54:29 am »
I couldn't have said it better myself.     Peace!
1.7 cm AN
diagnosed January, 2012 - no hearing L ear
GK surgery done March 15, 2012 at Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Ct.
Dr. Chiang and Dr. Yu

Jim Scott

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Re: My Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started June 10, 2012
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2012, 12:47:41 pm »
Mike ~

I've accompanied you most of the way on this journey and I'm delighted to learn that prayers were answered and the GK procedure was executed with no problems. Your attitude tells us that you are both relieved and excited about the future, as you should be.  Congratulations!  :)


4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: My Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started June 10, 2012
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2012, 02:37:11 pm »
Mike -

glad things went well for you  ;D

Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

I don't actually "make" trouble..just kind of attract it, fine tune it, and apply it in new and exciting ways

chloes mema

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Re: My Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started June 10, 2012
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2012, 07:53:05 am »
Thank you for the positive posts!  Wishing you well in your recovery.  If I had not already had CK your posts would have pushed me to GK.

Diagnosed October 2011
Oct '11-9 X 6 mm left ear
Mar '12 - 1.25cm
Tinnitus, imbalance, and mild dizziness (ditsy)
My AN = Annoying Nuisance
Jan'12 W&W
May'12 CK completed
Oct'12 hemifacial spasms
Dec'19 It's back


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Re: My Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started June 10, 2012
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2012, 09:12:42 pm »
I have your name on a sticky note on my desk, when I look at it I pray for you.  I'm glad all has gone well for you.

7mm x 5 mm Left AN, diagnosed 2/9/12
7mm x 6 mm  8/12
9mm x 7 mm  8/13
Cyberknife 12/13


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Re: My Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started June 10, 2012
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2012, 10:21:26 pm »
Dear ANgels and newbies,

Day 3 not a lot new relatives from Florida came up and spent the night as a way of telling me that they were in my corner and praying for me just as you guys were and some of you still are it seems!

When I told them that a group of ANA forum members were praying for me, they seemed to notice how much more at peace I am. In 2004, I was a wreck comparatively speaking and I owe it all to you and the 3 Docs I chose from this time (2012) in comparison with the 14 Docs opinions I had filled my own head with(2004).

What a vast difference, though I did have a minor headache in the mid afternoon after my relatives left, I suffered no ill effects for the rest of the day.

Now, it's back to work in the morning to see how much I can endure there before returning to full time.

Wish me luck, I don't intend to push it, I will go easy on myself!

1974 - Dr. Michelson  Colombia Presbyterian removal of 3 Arterio Venous Malformations
2004- Dr. Sisti  NY Presbyterian subtotal removal of 3.1 cm AN,
2012 - June 11th Dr. Sisti Gamma Knife (easy-breasily done)"DEAD IRV" play taps!
Research, research, research then decide and trust in God's Hands!


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Re: My Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started June 10, 2012
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2012, 01:01:29 pm »
Day 4 I have been at work since 9 this morning, I am getting tired I will go home now before exhaustion sets in! I have to make a showing at a collegues farewell dinner tonight. I hope I can make it!

1974 - Dr. Michelson  Colombia Presbyterian removal of 3 Arterio Venous Malformations
2004- Dr. Sisti  NY Presbyterian subtotal removal of 3.1 cm AN,
2012 - June 11th Dr. Sisti Gamma Knife (easy-breasily done)"DEAD IRV" play taps!
Research, research, research then decide and trust in God's Hands!