Hi Susierg,
I think whatever procedure we chose to deal with our AN is always filled with doubt, and second guessing. As many AN members have posted here and throughout this site, decisions are personal, no one can make them for you. However, we can try and give some revelation, so that we make good choices. I think all would agree, that sooner or later a AN has to be dealt with. I haven't read a post where the outcome is "I lived with the little bugger my whole life". You're not human if you don't have some anxiety and emotions towards whatever decisions you make. I didn't read what surgical procedure you chose. I had a small tumor, but it was wrecking havoc with me, I chose middle fossa. I did lose some hearing, but not enough to impact the quality of my life. My tinnitus did get worse, which has affected the quality of my life, and after 21 months I still struggle with balance, but I am still seeing improvement - measured in months. I hope my post was helpful, I will have you in my prayers for the 24th, for a good result and a speedy recovery.