Good for you Lisa,
Belief that God is on your side always helps as you go forward into surgery! For with God on your side, your puny little AN doesn't stand a chance. Before my procedure, (which was GK) I went to church and was blessed by the priest, it gave me comfort and the peace I needed. Hope to see you on the other side of this adventure that we all go through speeding on the road to recovery.
Take it easy on yourself before surgery rest when you can and don't worry, you have made the right decisions for yourself. May I make an additional recommendation? That you get into a regular meditation for just a few minutes every day. I have found this extremely helpful. I practiced the I AM meditation by Dr. Wayne Dyer. You have to imagine yourself Healed and you will be. I felt lifted as if by prayer, you will be too. I know it. May the road be as smooth for you as it was for me. Say it over and over to yourself "I AM HEALED".
God will make it happen!