Author Topic: A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly  (Read 5497 times)

Captain Deb

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A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly
« on: August 15, 2006, 02:07:19 pm »
Hey Guys!
One of our Hero Members, ppearl214, alias Phyllis, had her 3 (?) month MRI on Monday and YAY no new growth!!  Our dear cruise director has some other issues she be a'dealin' with and sure could use a big BOOST from alla us here on the forum. She be just about the most carin' and concerned Wench around
*tears on the keyboard* 


She be tryin' to get her cheeky Bloke over here from the UK so's they can get hitched, and alla the damn paperwork and all. Now some o' us has actually spoken to this here cheeky bloke and it appears to be that he sure LLLLLUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRVVVVES our Girly Wench in the worst possible way--man he's got it BAAAAAD fer her!!! So we all be sending good thoughts and wishes that that durned IM-MEE-GRAY-SHUN get their **** together and lets these two get together permanent-like.

so a big


to Pearly for all the good stuff you do fer us!!!!!!

Capt Deb 8)
speakin' fer alla the Wenches and Scallywags of the PBW Crew
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
Mid-fossa HEI, Jan 03 Friedman & Hitselberger
Chronic post-op headaches
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Re: A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2006, 03:06:59 pm »
Captain Deb,
I was getting real worried not seeing any posts from the Pearly one, thanks for the update.  She sure does deserve all our hugs, she does so much for everyone. That's awesome news about her MRI
Wench in Western MA
1cm AN removed (lost hearing) 11/96
3cm reccurrence debulked to preserve facial function 2/05
FSR 4/05
Mass General Hosp. Boston MA


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Re: A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2006, 03:13:37 pm »
Luv ya Phyl and Princess Beanie :-*

3.5 cm  - left side  Single sided deafness 
Middle Fossa Approach - California Ear Institute at Stanford - July 1998
Dr. Joseph Roberson and Dr. Gary Steinberg
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Re: A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2006, 05:44:06 pm »



Kathy - Age 54
2.5 cm translab May '04
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis
Dr. Sam Levine - Dr. Stephen Haines


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Re: A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2006, 06:00:13 pm »
Congratulations on the good news, Phyl!!!  And I'm keeping everything crossed that dear lover-boy gets to come across the pond permanently really really really soon!!

diagnosed June 2005
2.3cmx1.6cmx1.4cm left AN
translab Sept 13, 2006; Drs. McKenna and Barker in MA (MEEI/MGH)


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Re: A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2006, 06:28:10 pm »
Yer right Deb,

I've been missing her too.    Phyl, so happy for you two. Been missing your posts. Great news on the MRI. Breath deep as you go thru that paperwork bull stuff- he'll be here before you know it. Best wishes and love to you both

Sue :)


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Re: A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2006, 07:23:05 pm »
YEAH ON THE MRI NEWS....wanna see me dance?  I dance good!   ;D
Hopin the CB gets over here soon.  Dang just tell him to leave any shampoo, hair gel, toothpaste, water, home  :-*


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Re: A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2006, 07:36:29 pm »
We LOOOOOOVE you, Pearly Girl.  All will be well...Cheeky Bloke be here soon.

No growth---YIPPEEEEEE!

1.7cm x 1.4cm x .8cm, right ear
Trans-lab approach
Dr. Jay Rubinstein, U of WA


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Re: A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2006, 05:07:48 am »
oy.  no coffee yet... BIG BOOSTS smack me in the face and no coffee.... thank you Captn' and all for thinking of me... Been a VERY rough time for me lately as (once again), I had 2 deaths last week, work stresses and yes, stresses of getting my cheeky bloke's immigration documents squared away. Wedding plans all set.  Getting him here permanantly will certainly help.

Thank you all again.... and belly flop races are now on-going up on the pool deck! See you all there!

xoxoxo to you all!
Phyl, Cruise director
"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2006, 10:59:52 am »
Hi Phyll,

So sorry to hear about the sad time you have had...And then when it's too much to handle, You recieve the great news about the MRI..

Congratulations to you!! 

Tell all the stressful people at your work to sit down and shut up ....maybe not...

Take care
17 mm AN removed 1-16-06
  paralysis, cornea transplant,avascular necrosis

   'Are we having fun yet?'

Captain Deb

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Re: A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2006, 03:42:47 pm »
I'm about ready to swing in on a halyard, Capt Jack Sparrow style, snot and cutlass a 'flyin' and whip alla the bosses and co-workers o' miss Pearly Girly inta shape and force 'em to do a lil plank walkin' if they don't start bein' extra special nice to 'er!
Capt Deb 8)
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
Mid-fossa HEI, Jan 03 Friedman & Hitselberger
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Re: A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2006, 05:01:54 pm »
NEVER NEVER NEVER want to miss cheery words for our Phyl!!!

GO GIRL!!! ;D ;D ;D!!

First that great MRI, then tell the people at work to chill out (that's what I do and they all shut up - no, actually they are so scared that anything they do to stress me out, they will be blamed for my health  ;)), then no more problem with IM-MEE-GRAY-SHUN paper work - tell them there will be more revenue for the treasury department, then cuddle up with the lover boy in that lovely romantic restaurant with that lovely Napa Valley wine (Mark will send you his special collection from his basement  ;D) followed by that mouth watering gourmet food, desserts, etc., then go off on honeymoon in that cozy cabana on Maldives with that lovely breeze 8), then another great MRI, then no more symptoms, then....  endless...

Thinking of you all the time  :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

P.S. Hey, can I join the crew of the PBW?  I can be your international relations director when you pull into ports all over the world  (been going to too many places the last 10 years on business - I know all the conciergeres at all the 6-star hotels by first name basis) ::) ::) ::)
« Last Edit: August 17, 2006, 05:06:54 pm by marystro »
July 2006 - 22 x 18 x 20 mm
August 2006 - CK at Stanford by Dr. Chang/Dr. Soltys
February 2008 - 19 x 15 x 20 mm and stable
May 2009 - 17 x 14 x 18 mm

Captain Deb

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Re: A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2006, 05:07:19 pm »
Well, a course miss marystro you can join the PBW crew--we definitely needs an International whatsitz director! 6_star hotels, ye say? This crew could definitely tear one o' them up good! Be hearin' from ya on the good morning thread!
Capt Deb 8)
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
Mid-fossa HEI, Jan 03 Friedman & Hitselberger
Chronic post-op headaches
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Re: A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2006, 11:58:05 am »
Mary, OMG! Thank you hun.. and to you all!

doing ok... still tough sailing here but hanging as best as possible.  You know how it is... life's stresses get to you and every now and then you have to crash and burn and take a mother-load deep breath and turn our (literal) deaf ears towards things that can wait on the attention they seek.  so....

Ok, Oct 7 is still a go.  Doing Immigration docs now and working those issues.  Dress/booze/cakes/pics/flower all set. Working flights now for my 8-yr old nephew who wants to give away "Aunt Phyllis"... too cute

Work.... um, let's put it this way. I've officially asked my boss for medication for the ulcer I am developing from my customers in the Middle East.  Oy.

My friends' passing... still in mourning but... trying to celebrate their lives instead.

so, hanging tough, still in hiding but... when a cruise director of the fun ship appears, be on your toes... you never know what entertainment lays in store for you all!

BTW, AN Size MRI competition is being held outside the on-board casino. Whoever's (or is it whom-ever's) AN shows largest on the MRI film get's $50 worth of free casino chips! :)

xoxoxo to you all!
"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"

Captain Deb

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Re: A Boost for our Cruise Director, Miss Pearly Girly
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2006, 12:53:50 pm »
I talked to Raydean the other day and she's got posting Chet's award-winning 6 cm booger on the forum in the works. She says she can't scan.
Coming soon to a forum near you!!!!
Hey Phyll! Miss hearing from ya, ya Wench!!!
Capt Deb P-)
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
Mid-fossa HEI, Jan 03 Friedman & Hitselberger
Chronic post-op headaches
Captain & Designated Driver of the PBW