Hi, Jasmine and welcome to the Forum
I'm sorry to hear about your AN and know just how shocking being diagnosed can be; I've been there
As LakeErie said, your AN is relatively small so watching and waiting might be an excellent choice for you. Another option - depending on the location - may be radiation. People who have radiation typically don't have facial nerve issues; and lots of us who had surgery don't have facial nerve issues either.
You should contact the ANA for their informational brochures - they are free for the asking - and are very helpful; written in easy to understand terms (not medical-speak).
You should also get as many medical opinions - from doctors qualified to treat ANs who've had lots of experience - as you feel you need to make your treatment decision. It's very hard to decide, but once you educate yourself you'll feel less stressed and fearful.
I'm not sure where you live, but if you don't mind telling us, people on the Forum can suggest some doctors in your area. I'm in the Chicago area and highly recommend my doc. He may or may not be close enough to you for treatment though.
Good luck.