PJB, Hello!
It was over a weekend yes. MRI was done late Thurs afternoon last week, Today is Tues and I am suppose to get a call...still waiting and it's 10:30am where I am located. I wanna call again and bug them but I am trying to be patient at least until 2:00 if no call by then I will make a return call and be much more forceful this time. Since they aren't calling me to eagerly I hope to that means it's nothing bad but still would be nice to know. I understand these specialists are busy, do surgeries, and see multiple people per day with multiple test results to go over but there has to be a better way to put people like us at ease with faster results. I took a high dose Motrin and ate breakfast and now my headache from this morning is much better...Not gone but better which makes me think if it was an AN a Motrin and some food wouldn't have taken the pain away in a couple hours, Ya think? Was anyone else treating headache pain with meds that seemed to help prior to finding out they actually still had an AN or some other tumor? I have always had history of migraines, tension headaches, TMJ but the muffled hearing, dizzy spells, thumping noise in my head, and twinges of "electrical" type pain are all new to me the past year, More so the past 3-4 months.