Did you & your daughter come to a decision which one? I'm a bit confused what your dr told you, BUT just in the past couple years it HAS changed to where you can't get an abutment from one company but use either processor. I know if you have Cochlear abutment, you can only fit their processors. Now as to if you get the Oticon processor, I would think it goes the same, but not sure.....
I did the trials of both too and just had surgery this week for the Cochlear BP100. As far as activity, etc......I had local anesthetic (where they numb the skull area they are working on) and I think a little versed (a medicine via IV to make you relax or sleepy a bit) that way I didn't really know what was going on....just what I wanted! Before going into surgery my dr marked a line on my head tracing my glasses arm....then said he finds the best bone area to do the implant, yet making sure enough away from the arm so no interference
The surgery took only 1 hour, then I was in the recovery for 'maybe' 45 minutes. Enough to eat a small muffin & drink some juice & get dressed. At that point I felt fine!!!
Later that evening my head started hurting (local was wearing off). They gave me Lortab (like Vicodin) for pain, I took it but it didn't do anything much but give me anxiety & insomnia
I also had the big gauze head bandage on like Jan mentioned. The next morning my head was really hurting, and blood had soaked through that gauze. My hubby removed the bandage (which we wer told to do about 24 hours post op) and right away my head felt a bit better. My head had swollen a good amount & the pressure from the bandage was what made it hurt so much!!! It also was why it was bleeding so much.
That day I was exhausted due to no sleep & told to sit up cause of swelling. I took one of the pain meds & got comfy & slept. I felt SOOO much better later that evening!! I haven't taken the Lortab since them either, but have taken a few regular Tylenol! I still have some swelling, but I feel fine!!!
My dr also gave an antibiotic (that varies amongst doctors) to help be sure it don't get infected. Well, found out I'm allergic to it & possibly the Lortab I had. I've gotten a rash. That don't hurt though, so all good overall! My surgery was Tuesday & by Thursday I was able to do anything normal (wouldn't do anything too strenuous)